Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 18th 05, 03:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
Top Posting John Smith wrote:

You know, Buzz, I wonder why he top posts when everyone
else here in rrap does the interactive thing.


Yep. I think you are unaware that some of us out here have
our licenses,
got our radios fired up, tune the bands--and it is nothing
but the same old, same old...

Obviously only tunes the 'phone subbands...

We do see all the rag chews, boring rants, same operators,
same gripes,
same rants, same little groups, same ideas, same
conversations as
yesterday--day, after day, after day...

So what do you want them to talk about? I thought hams could
about whatever pleases them. I don't see anything in the FCC
that says hams can only talk about this and can't talk about
that. Do you?

Actually there are a few limitations. Hams are not
allowed to use amateur radio to discuss:

- Anything of "pecuniary interest", meaning something that
would result in a monetary profit for those in the discussion.
(K1MAN got into hot water
with that recently - he kept mentioning his website and
stuff that could be bought there.)

- Anything that could aid in the violation of local, state, or
federal laws. (Discussing ways to jumper your electric meter
in order to reduce your bill, for example, is prohibited.)

- Anything that meets FCC's legal definition of obscenity.

I don't recall any other subjects that hams aren't allowed to
discuss on the ham bands.

I am sure a lot of 'em are sitting there waiting for us
poor ignorant
ops to "get with it" and "come to the realization" of
just how vital and
interesting this all is and SHOULD BE to us..

If you aren't interested no one is holding a gun
to your head to make
you listen. Have enough sense to either change to another
or turn the damn radio off and find something else to do.

I think you're missing an important point, Buzz.

John is complaining about the content of what he hears on
the ham bands (actually the 'phone subbands) but doesn't tell
us what *he* would find interesting to talk about. Nor does
he seem to be setting an example.

Well I am one which does not and cannot appreciate it...
if the fault
lies with me and my interests and views--so be it...

Thank goodness not everyone has to share your views or

If I am wrong and all these young guys just can't wait
to get a license
and startup a QSO so they hear these old guys fart
and rant--well, that
is just a short coming of mine--and, those young dynamic guys who are
running the world right now and providing new ideas, designs and methods
are probably on the way here right now to find the old
farts.... I'll
just sit here and wait for 'em, I need a change... maybe I can chat
with one or two of 'em--if they can quit their hero worship
of you guys
long enough... grin


Sure sounds like ham radio isn't for you. Maybe you should go
back to cb and the 'freeband'.

Sounds like ageism to me.

73 de Jim, N2EY