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Old June 18th 05, 07:04 PM
Purr Plexed
Posts: n/a

On 17 Jun 2005 19:24:29 -0400, (Scott Dorsey) wrote:

Purr Plexed wrote:

I purchased a used Yaesu FT-101ee off of Ebay. When I transmit
with either a CW stright key or the microphone on AM the CW sidetone
comes out of the ft-101e speaker. Keying the CW key in CW mode does
not transmit. Whas there a mod for a Yaesu FT-101e that turned AM
mode in to sort of a code practice oscillator?

Is the mode switch a wafer switch by any chance? And is it damaged?
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

The more I look at the schematic and read the theory of opration the
more I think it is the wafer switch. The CW side tone oscillator is
only suppose to operate in the CW mode, but it only comes on in the AM
mode. The output from the sidetone oscillator is fed in to the input
of the VOX amp, so the sidetone oscillator also keys the radio when
the CW key is pressed.
If I manually key the radio in CW mode with the "MOX" (manual
transmit switch) and then key the CW staight key the radio trasnmits a
CW carrier, but the CW sidetone does not come out of the speaker.
Only when I am in AM mode does the CQ sidetone come out of the
speaker, and it will key the radio with VOX enabled in AM mode and the
microphoen disconnected. Either one of the wipers in the wafer switch
is off by one (CW is position 4 and AM is position 5) or the switch is
wired wrong. Unfortunately the side of the wafer switch I need access
to is facing towards the inside of the radio, and not towards the
outside chassis. If I can can figure out how to get to that side of
the wafer switch I might be able to fix it.