Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 18th 05, 07:41 PM
Posts: n/a

From: Mike Coslo on Fri 17 Jun 2005 22:07

Dave Heil wrote:

Please continue to praise the military morse ops, ,
especially those of the USN. The USN is NOT a branch of the
military you were in. Indeed, you weren't in ANY branch of the
military. You "served in other ways."

The Amateur Radio Service is not something in which you are a
participant. Perhaps you served in other ways.

game, set, match!

Amateur radio newsgrouping IS a GAME to Kolonel Klunk.

The only thing SET is Klunk's way of thinking (inflexible).

There's no MATCH except the lighted one always carried
by Klunk to start another Flame War in here.

Other than that, "Game, Set, Match" are the titles of a
later trilogy by novelist Len Deighton based on a
fictional British intelligence service. [not Deighton's
best work]

I'll just put the PCTAs of the newsgroup in the category
of "no one can join amateur radio unless they are already
IN it..." oxymoronic "brotherhood" of self-righteous
radio poseurs "serving their country" through a HOBBY.

Go out and corner the market on helium for your "reach to
the fringes of outer space," Michael. That's better than
the megacubic feet of Hot Air vented by this "patriot"
who behaves like a miscast stereotype of a Kommandant in
a half-hour TV sitcom about POWs during WW2.

Seig Heil!!! :-)