Dee Flint wrote:
"Dave Heil" wrote in message
bb wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
"Dan/W4NTI" wrote in message
Why do I contest? To improve my score by improving my station and
Its as simple as that.
Have a good day
PS; I worked a bunch of sporadic skip yesterday on six meters in the
VHF contest.....with 8 watts and a 3 ele yagi at 20'.
It's all a matter of perspective.
I and the OM also worked some of the VHF contest and noticed a very
thing. Only 10% of the contacts that we made were Technician operators.
the other hand, 80% of them were Extra class operators. So where are
the Techs who are "trapped" in VHF and above because they "can't" pass
code (as some would have us believe)?
Oh, they're still trapped on VHF, Dee. Most of 'em are so trapped that
they know only one mode--FM and do all of their operating via repeaters.
What a wunnerful attitude you have toward Techs, Oh Mighty DXer. And
people have to ask who chased away the Techs. I guess the only time
you would embrace a Tech is if he were calling you out of band on 6M.
I don't embrace radio amateurs at all, "bb". A firm handshake is good
enough for me.
My attitude toward many of the current crop of new techs is one bathed
upon five years observation, since returning to the U.S. I haven't chased
them anywhere. In fact, it has been just the opposite. I've tried to
encourage them to use simplex on FM. I've tried to encourage them to try
6 meters along with 432 and 144 MHz SSB and CW. I can't be faulted that
they don't act after being encouraged. If these folks are, in fact
"trapped" in a world of 2m only FM repeater operation, they have fashioned
the trap themselves by not being more curious about the rest of VHF/UHF
amateur radio. There are avenues open to them but they aren't
Dave K8MN
I agree with you Dave,
Of course you do.
I and the OM (who is our local club's VHF/UHF SSB
guru) have worked hard at trying to get Techs involved with something other
than repeater FM.
While we have had some modest success, it's only a small
percentage of the Techs who have jumped into these waters.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE
Have you asked them why they are reluctant to jump into those waters?
Since they've not jumped in, does that change your attitude about them?