Navy Radiomen
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June 19th 05, 05:13 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a
Your argument seems to be that since Len will probably exhibit
his typical immature ethnic-slur Godwin-violating bad-pun
Unknown-Soldier-insulting jackass behavior anyway, there's no
point in pointing out when he is, indeed, exhibiting his typical
immature ethnic-slur Godwin-violating bad-pun Unknown-Soldier-insulting
jackass behavior. Is that about right?
Perhaps you have a valid point, since if what Len seeks is
attention, pointing out his typical immature ethnic-slur
Godwin-violating bad-pun Unknown-Soldier-insulting jackass behavior
gives him that attention.
We cannot control Len's behavior here.
We can however, control our own.
I don't know about your mail reader, but mine has a couple levels of
filtering. I can filter by name, or the easy way is to simply hit "k" at
the subject line. I never see that subject again.
That being said, I have mixed feelings on the filtering. I use it to
get rid of the lunatic fringe topics, but little else.
I don't filter people like Len though, as I look forward to his
postings. They are entertaining. So if the people who find his postings
offensive quit getting into p*****g contests with him by filtering him
out or just ignoring him, I'll have lost that bit of fun.
- Mike KB3EIA -
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