From: "bb" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 08:50
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 00:07
"bb" wrote in message
You sir, are nothing but a agitator and a disgrace to ham radio in general,
assuming you have a license that is.
Godwin invoked. [ :-) ]
Attitude-wise, Dan = Stebie.
ALL shall march to the same drummer, in ranks, with one voice
counting cadence as taught in the Church of St. Hiram. NONE
shall speak against the Elite, the PCTA Extras.
ONE "service," all wearing the same "uniform." Totalitarian.
Len, it looks like Dan and Dee have bailed out on civil, legitimate
discourse on amateur radio policy. Dave has made himself pretty scarce
as well.
Maybe there's been some band openings to France on 6m?
Dan and Dave and the remaining living PCTAs haven't much changed
since '98 in here. They command a consensus of common thought;
i.e., CONCEDE to THEIR consensus, none others.
I see there's a Jim Miccolis N2EY posting below. I haven't gotten to
it yet, as I'm saving the best for last. Hope he doesn't disappoint as
he has ever since he made the comment, "A Morse Exam would be a barrier
to CW use."
Oh, oh...dat put Sister Nun of the Above into ruler-spank mode
again. She demand posting quote of where, when she make dat.
Dis be court of law! Bang da gavel, heah come de judge, heah
come de judge...
Jimmie can't bear to acknowledge that the current percentage of
Technician and Technican Plus class licensees are now at 48.4
percent of all individual (non-club) licensees in the USA.
Jimmie has to rationalize that with all sorts of rather irrelevant
"excuses" common to the Elitist PCTA viewpoint of all those
commonfolk not embracing morsemanship with loving open arms.
ARS (aka Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society) is in full flower in
here, their self-appointed self-righteous "representatives"
damning all who do not respect their mighty elitist rule. The
ARS only has "fun" when all licensees do as the Elites do, that
is, doing narrowband morse beeping.
The LAW is the LAW and NO LAWS CAN EVER BE CHANGED according to
these "guardians of amateur paradise." Code test MUST remain.
PCTA say so. No arguments against. Period. [sigh...]
Happy Father's Day to you, Brian.