Thread: SO2R Policy?
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Old June 19th 05, 09:00 PM
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From: Dee Flint on Jun 19, 1:40 pm

"bb" wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:

I understand how uneasy it must make you to have to face the truth of
arbitrary licensing requirements and still advocate a Morse/Farnsworth

Ok, one more round but that's it. All the licensing requirements are
arbitrary. Every single one of them.

HERESY! Wash your mouth out with soap! How dare you say that?!?

Test Element One is the LAW! That LAW! can't be changed!

There are several radio services for which no testing is required.

Irrelevant. OTHER radio services are NOT amateur radio!

So if some services do not need testing, then
it is arbitrary for those that do. However the goals and purposes of
amateur radio make it desireable to test candidates for these licenses.

EVERYBODY has to test for morsemanship for below 30 MHz.

FINAL. The Elite PCTA have spoken. No arguments against.

If you wish to discontinue healthy, legitimate discourse with respect
to amateur policy, I understand. It is not for the faint of heart.

Best of Luck, Brian

The problem with the Morse discussion is that every possible conceivable
argument on either side has been aired dozens, if not hundreds, of times.

Elite PCTA have spoken. No arguments against them.

It is not healthy to continue discussing this policy issue.

True. Two Elite PCTA have died since 1999.

No new data comes to light.

NO new data PERMITTED in here.

No new rational has come up.

WRONG. Rationales and rationalizations of ancient reasons abound.

Elite PCTA have spoken. No arguments against them.

There's no point in rehashing the same issues.

Elite PCTA have spoken. No arguments against them.

If the result is as the NCTA state that it will be, i.e. a big wave of new
hams plus a big wave of hams upgrading and getting on HF, just watch the DX
stations, especially the rare ones, hide down on CW even more than they are

Who say "big wave on HF coming if no code test?" Who? WHO?

Show reference, show work.

If you exclude Japan, the US has more amateur radio operators than the
rest of the world combined. If the bands get as busy as the NCTAs imply
they will from this rush of new and upgrading hams, a lot of us will be
drifting even more to CW just to find some room.

Ham bands get crowded? Hams ask for more bandwidth. Simple.

Ask ARRL to lobby for more bandspace. ARRL "representative of 'all'

Not too swift. ARRL try to get new band at 60 meters, get only
five channels. League not very good now. Why not?

PCTA Elite at "inside" of league, should be able to effect what
they want. FCC no give. Why that?

On the other hand, if the PCTAs are correct, i.e. the impact will be
insignificant just as other changes of the recent past have been, then there
is NO reason to change the requirements.

Old = Good. Change = bad.

Changes that have little to no
noticeable impact aren't worth the bother of implementing.

"I'm all right, Jack!" [old Brit saying]

"We've got ours, nyah, nyah, nyah" [old childhood taunt]

by learning and testing for morse code! [PCTA mantra]

Meanwhile, since 1991, that no-code-test (horrid!) Technician
class license got OVER a HUNDRED THOUSAND *NEW* radio amateurs
BEFORE restructuring. Many, many more new than all the other
old classes combined and the only ones which contributed to
holding the average total licensee numbers not quite constant.

Right now, the two Technician class licensees make up 48.4%
of ALL invidual (non-club) licensees and it keeps rising and
rising and rising. Why that? The Novice class, the supposed
"entry level" license NEVER grew like the no-code-test Tech
numbers. No way. You don't suppose the (dedicated, committed)
code test could have anything to do with it, do you? Of course
not. The dedicated, committed amateurs would "always" struggle
and work to learn code, the best of all possible modes, right?

Ho hum. The "arguments" continue with the PCTA Extras NOT
listening. They will not accept arguments against their beloved
code test. They are manly macho morsemen, dedicated and committed
to their "service." None shall naysay them, no way.

Screum say I (in a most non-gender-specific way, of course).

Yours most sincerely and with all best wishes,