keep the 2006 and forget the 2042. the 2042s had NO internal
shielding to speak of and had VERY easily overloaded front ends.
this causing a LOT of overload , spurious , and intermod issues that
the 2005 / 6s did not have.
the inside of the 2042 is a simple circuit card inside a plastic box.
the 2005 / 6s had many shielded compartments and a lot of bypassing.
when using either the 2042 OR the 2005 / 6 with the preferred
" Probe " software ( when using the opto boards accessory ) ...
the abilities of channel selection and amount of channels
scanned ( unlimited ) is controlled by the computer anyway .....
making the basic channel abilities of the scanner unimportant.
the 2042 looked better than the 2006 and had that nifty manual
tune knob.... but " in real life " ...... when using an installed
Opto board, one NEVER touches the radio in normal use so either
is unnecessary. BOTH radios can track at very high channel rates
using Probe software ( 50 - 70 channels per sec ) and neither is
superior in that respect.
if you must use the 2042 with the opto board , a " must have "
accessory is a Stridsberg milticoupler . this , not for the multi set
capability it provides , but for the " small ' amount of gain and
enormous front end overload protection ( 31 dbm of 3rd order
IP3 and 17 dbm of P1 ) it provides. nearly ANY consumer
scanner needs one of these, but the 2042 especially benefits
form using one of those.
the 20 digit " secret code " ( available all over the web ) unlocks
nearly all of the opto boards that were ever made... except
for the more recently made boards. older opto boards are preferred
for this reason. this is a " serious " issue on the ( normally )
unlockable 2042 because it needs an older opto board to
open it up completely. ( and is ONLY opened up under computer
control )
On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 00:40:04 GMT, Scan Da Bands
Looking for a MINT or close Realistic Pro-2042 with the
Optoelectronics 535 installed. Might consider an Opto Optocom if we
can work a deal. Reply below.
Also have a fully working Realistic Pro-2006 with FULL (Not Lite) 456
Opto installed. Rocks with Probe 7.0 might consider trading or will
sell for right offer.
Thanks, Tom
(AT) = @
(DOT) = .