Michael Coslo wrote:
If you let kids know where the buttons are, they'll push 'em
Speaking of "buttons", it's clear that Len has the most "buttons" of
all. All anyone has to do is hit his big button (disagree with
him on the code-test issue) and then Len will respond in a very
predictable, negative, attacking, insulting way to almost anything the
person posts. If someone who has hit Len's Big Button dares to point
out a mistake (even a minor one)
Therein lies the heart of the issue. There are some in here who respond
all out of proportion to others missives. We have them on both sides of
the Morse/no Morse issue.
Jim, you are obviously not one of them.
I hope not!
But it can get a bit odd to point out (in a nice way) that someone has
misunderstood something in Part 97, or has a couple of relevant facts
and then be set upon as if I had desecrated a national monument.
Or to be blamed for what someone else has posted. (KH2D, a PCTA Extra
Jim, has obviously offended Len, so he takes it out on me, a PCTA Extra
Or to be quoted as writing things I did not write. (N0IMD's misquotes
of what I
wrote about the code test and its incentives for code use).
At least for me, when someone gets too abusive, I just don't bother to
Yep - in some cases I simply stop reading what they write.
Does that mean they "win"? Only as much as anyone wins one of
these protracted whizzin' contests in here.
The question comes down to whether or not one should allow an error of
(not opinion) to go uncorrected, or to allow a misquote to go
unanswered, or
to engage in a multiround series of posts correcting the error of fact
the misquote.
It's all entertainment. 8^)
ARE YOU BEING ENTERTAINED?!?! (from "Gladiator")
73 de Jim, N2EY