SO2R Policy?
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June 21st 05, 03:09 PM
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From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:53
Hey Lennie....did that beating you took with the lye soap leave any
permanent scars?
No "beating," no "lye soap," no "scars," you southern-fried
dumb### dip####.
Whoa! We got profanity, abuse AND bigotry all in one sentence!
Way to go Lennie!
I never ever suffered something that YOU must have gone through.
Oh yes you did, Lennie...
Somewhere in your past was a butt-whupping of SOME sort that has
made you the...uh..."man" you are today...
I've figured this guy out folks. He was a barracks lawyer that got caught
up in several barracks parties. A total loser.
"Loser?" In what? I was in Signal, not Judge Advocate Corps.
But you don't mind taking up the role of judge, jury and
executioner when it comes to Amateur Radio issues, Lennie...And you're
not even a licensee.
A long time ago. Radio communications for a major area
command. Began that as an E-2 no-striper...(SNIP) began it as an E-1 no striper in boot camp, just like the
rest of us did.
(UNSNIP)...ended it as an E-5
with three up and one down after three years in last assignment.
Half a century ago.
Half a century ago.
THAT is where all your knowledge base comes from...Half a century
(UNSNIP)...Never had to learn/use radiotelegraphy then
or since in a career in electronics design...nor in electronics
AND radio as a hobby activity.
But nit AMATEUR Radio.
What am I a "loser" IN, southern-fried dumbass dip**** Dan?
Bigotry. Maturity. Vocabulary.
I've got an education via formal schooling...(SNIP)
Here we go with the 14 years of night school routine again...
(UNSNIP)...and self-study, money
in the bank, house(s) long-ago all paid off, a brand-new car in
the garage since Friday (all paid off fully this Monday) and am
happily married to my high school sweetheart.
And not a bit of it contibuted to your knowledge base of Amateur
Radio or Amateur Radio policy or practice.
Oh, yeah...I'm a "loser" because I don't "respect" and "honor"
your amateur radio ethos and mythology about morsemanship?
No...You're a loser because you're a non-hacking outsider who, not
understading what you see, tries to destroy what you see.
And you're a foulmouthed bigot.
I'm a "loser" because I won't sit back and take your FILTHY comments
when you act all "tuff" in words? It's absurdly easy to call
others all sorts of filthy names like "dip****," "dumbass,"
"putz" and other things. Maybe that's it...I'll have to get
all "manly" and start calling others names?
You couldn't get "manly" if you started getting IV testosterone,
I'm a "loser" because I was interested in ALL radio and did NOT
get a ham license first as I "was supposed to?" Must be.
You're a loser because you think you know everything there is to
know about "radio", and that what you "know" applies to Amateur Radio.
Other than the physics or radio wave propagation, what you "know" is
squat where it pertains to Amateur Radio.
I "cheated" and got a COMMERCIAL license FIRST and then went to
WORK in the aerospace industry. Yeah, a "loser" because I don't
worship at the Church of St. Hiram and tell tales down at the
Hall about radio heroism in southern Asia, a war that ENDED
But you go on to tell us tales of a war you were NEVER in that was
FIFTY years ago...What's up with that?
Yeah, I'm a "loser" because I don't kiss your extra ### and
give you TLC when you make all your sob stories about "how
tough YOU had it" long ago...? Is that it?
Ah, Lennie! You keep proving "us" right over and over with your
wit and poignancy!
Oh yeah, I'm a "loser" because I just want the government to
eliminate the code test for a HOBBY radio license...(SNIP)
What "hobby" radio license, Lennie?
There is NO FCC radio service that exists for "HOBBY" licensure.
You tried that before.
Guess that fifty years of "experience" in "professional"
communications didn't teach you anything.
(UNSNIP)...and watch
all those PCTA extra "winners" sit here and call the NCTAs lots
of filthy names and make up stories about what I "did."
Seems to me that you're the one doing most of the name calling,
Dip#### Dan, ordinarily I'd tell you to just "go to hell."
I don't need to. You've made it there on your own. Enjoy.
Seems to me that Lennie Anderson is the one in hell...With many,
many ugly demons that need excising.
Steve, K4YZ
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