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Old June 21st 05, 01:48 PM
Posts: n/a

This happened to me once many years ago with a portable radio. I left
the barrel connector of the power adapter plugged into the radio for
almost a year. What the problem turned out to be was the spring contact
inside the DC jack had been compressed for so long (and obviously made
from unsuitable metal) it lost its ability to spring back once the DC
barrel plug was pulled out of the socket. I had to open up the radio and
replace the DC jack with a new one.

This may or may not be the problem with your scanner, but a good test
would be to try it again on the adapter. If it's okay on external power,
but the thing goes dead once the plug is removed from the side of the
rig, this may likely be the problem.

Good luck!

William Falconer wrote:
After listening to the radio for several months using the AC power supply I
decided to take the scanner mobile and when the AC supply was disconnected
the scanner went dead. Checked the rechargable batteries and all was good
but no sound. Put in the other battery pack with the regular batteries and
still no joy. Has anyone else out there come across this same type of
problem. I suspect that there is a fuse for the batteries inside the radio
but don't want to open it up just yet as there may still be warrenty
