Thread: SO2R Policy?
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Old June 21st 05, 11:15 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:53

wrote in message

From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 00:07

"bb" wrote in message

You sir, are nothing but a agitator and a disgrace to ham radio in general,
assuming you have a license that is.

Godwin invoked. [ :-) ]

Attitude-wise, Dan = Stebie.

ALL shall march to the same drummer, in ranks, with one voice
counting cadence as taught in the Church of St. Hiram. NONE
shall speak against the Elite, the PCTA Extras.

ONE "service," all wearing the same "uniform." Totalitarian.

Hey Lennie....did that beating you took with the lye soap leave any
permanent scars?

No "beating," no "lye soap," no "scars," you southern-fried
dumbass dip****.

I never ever suffered something that YOU must have gone through.

If you ever acted as you do here, I'd think you'd have gone through
something similar.

I've figured this guy out folks. He was a barracks lawyer that got caught
up in several barracks parties. A total loser.

"Loser?" In what? I was in Signal, not Judge Advocate Corps.
A long time ago. Radio communications for a major area
command. Began that as an E-2 no-striper, ended it as an E-5
with three up and one down after three years in last assignment.
Half a century ago. Never had to learn/use radiotelegraphy then
or since in a career in electronics design...nor in electronics
AND radio as a hobby activity.

What am I a "loser" IN...

That'd be "In what am I a loser?", Leonard. Let's start with use of the
English language, Mister PROFESSIONAL writer.

...southern-fried dumbass dip**** Dan?

You seem to be losing it at about this point, Len.

I've got an education via formal schooling and self-study, money
in the bank, house(s) long-ago all paid off, a brand-new car in
the garage since Friday (all paid off fully this Monday) and am
happily married to my high school sweetheart.

That's all very nice and I'm sure that we're all very happy for you.
Nobody else here has ever gotten an education, purchased a home or car
or has been happily married. Yessir, you've really trumped us.

Oh, yeah...I'm a "loser" because I don't "respect" and "honor"
your amateur radio ethos and mythology about morsemanship?

It really matters not whether you respect and honor anything in amateur
radio, Leonard. You aren't involved in amateur radio at all. If you
choose to vent yourself as you do in this newsgroup, you become fair
game. Deal with it.

I'm a
"loser" because I won't sit back and take your FILTHY comments
when you act all "tuff" in words?

FILTHY comments?

It's absurdly easy to call
others all sorts of filthy names like "dip****," "dumbass,"
"putz" and other things. Maybe that's it...I'll have to get
all "manly" and start calling others names?

"I don't work for scale, Mikey. Wait til you get BILL!"

"league-published grain of the olde-tyme hammes..."

"March, march, beep, beep..."

"Tsk, since Jimmie became "tollmaster" in here..."

"Olde-fahrt morsemen ought to be very happy."

"Davie gonna chime in with..."

"Jimmie and Stebie and Davie all try to manufacture..."

"Jimmie be judge of ALL"

"Coslo reach "edge of space" yet?"

"Above all, let's all do our best to ENTERTAIN MIKEY!"

"Screum say I (in a most non-gender-specific way, of course)."

"Jimmie thinks he be barrister in the Queen's Bench. His wig is on

"Jimmie try to be cross between Miss Manners and Sister Nun of the Above."

"ARS (aka Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society) is in full flower in here..."

--recent quotes from Leonard H. Anderson

You're going to start calling others names, Len? Now, there's a
frightening prospect!

I'm a "loser" because I was interested in ALL radio and did NOT
get a ham license first as I "was supposed to?" Must be.

Interested in ALL radio? You declared a decades-long interest in
*amateur radio* and you have yet to act upon that interest, much less
live up to your "Extra right out of the box" boast. I'd say that
qualifies you as a loser.

I "cheated" and got a COMMERCIAL license FIRST and then went to
WORK in the aerospace industry.

Again, that's all very nice but it has naught to do with amateur radio.
I know a guy who went to dental school and who has his very own dental
practice. He's been a ham for nearly fifty years.

I know another fellow who attended law school and who makes a handsome
living through the practice of law. He's been a ham radio op for about
fifty-five years.

Yeah, a "loser" because I don't
worship at the Church of St. Hiram...

I'm not familiar with that place of worship, Leonard. Where is it?

...and tell tales down at the
Hall about radio heroism in southern Asia, a war that ENDED

No, you must not be eligible for hall membership. You've regaled us
countless times with tales of a war which took place over fifty years
ago, while you were snug, far, far to the rear--in Japan.

Yeah, I'm a "loser" because I don't kiss your extra ass...

Don't feel too badly, Len. You may kiss my Extra ass any time you'd like.

give you TLC when you make all your sob stories about "how
tough YOU had it" long ago...? Is that it?

No, I don't think that's it. There are a number of areas where you'd be
considered a loser but it wouldn't be this one.

Oh yeah, I'm a "loser" because I just want the government to
eliminate the code test for a HOBBY radio license...

Which hobby license would that be? Would it be one in which you have
some stake?

and watch
all those PCTA extra "winners" sit here and call the NCTAs lots
of filthy names and make up stories about what I "did."

Filthy names?

Nobody makes up more storied about what you did than you do. It has
been continuous, non-stop self-aggrandizement at its best.

Dip**** Dan, ordinarily I'd tell you to just "go to hell."
I don't need to. You've made it there on your own. Enjoy.

That's right. Dan has arrived at r.r.a.p. -- the hell of usenet,
self-declared home of that little devil, Leonard H. Anderson.
He's mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore.

Dave K8MN