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Old June 22nd 05, 05:57 AM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

My experience is that DX stations generally QSL very well.

For USA stations on HF -- the Novice Tech return on CW is very high almost
100%.On the rest of the HF bands you have 3 types of HF folks:

1. DX chasers who will generally QSL -- rates good to very good

2. Ragchewers - particularly 80 and 40M -- these guys are on the band
nightly working the same old bunch for 50 years -- few QSL. However the DX
and DXers generally QSL Upper band rag chewers are fair to good.

3. Contesters HF -- fair - with the advent of computer logging and computer
label programs -- it has improved

For DX stations with QSL managers -- return rate is almost 100% - kudos to
these guys.

For DXpeditions -- almost 100%

For 6M lots of techs on and they don't have QSL cards -- indeed some don't
even log or they log in local time not UTC
I sent out 125 SASE QSL cards for 6M (VUCC) -- the return rate was about
0% - I gave up -- I know I have worked 225 grid squares -- tis good enough.

I worked Rhode Island on 6M a rare state from the west coast -- sent QSL's 3
times with SASE -- no answer -- sent e-mails -- no answers.
Finally after 2 years worked RI again -- got the card.

I have some generic cards (blank on the callsign) using these I will fill
out the card for the errant ham and ask them to sign it and return with the
SASE -- works about half the time.

And it helps to ask USA stations -- QSL Mutual, QSL SAE, QSL SASE, QSL NEVER
?? The rare states like Wyoming with maybe 1500 hams total really need
postage from you. They get hundreds of cards a year -- adds up.

I QSL 100% even tho I have 5 Band WAS, DXCC, Honor Roll, (all confirmed) and
thousands of JA an EU cards.

I use the ARRL Bureau for the common DX.

For the rare DX - Green stamps and IRC's. I always tip USA managers with a
dollar to help with QSL printing expenses

USA -- SASE where requested or for the rare states.

CL -- I QSL therefore I am

"pd" wrote in message
One aspect of our hobby that I have always enjoyed is collecting QSL's. I
have a certain amount of interest in various operating awards. Currently
goals are 6 and 2 meter WAS & DXCC and 80 and 160 meter DXCC. Overall, my
rate of return on QSL's sent is good for DX stations, but it is dismal for
stations. I always include an SASE and a personal note, and generally
in the type of QSO the other person seems to be looking for, such as a
exhange of reports on AU or MS or an opening or a more lengthy QSO when
conditions are appropriate. In the past I have even included contact
already filled out with the QSO information so the repcient only had to
it and return it in the enclosed SASE.

I would like to hear others' opinions as to the reasons for not returning
QSL and on how to improve the rate of return.