From: Leo on Jun 21, 11:51 pm
On 21 Jun 2005 17:02:04 -0700, wrote:
From: Leo on Jun 21, 6:54 pm
On 21 Jun 2005 09:13:41 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
There you go - you've finally got it! You've been disagreeing to no
avail for eight years here, on and on and on - that's the problem!
Just 11 more steps to go!
Antabuse might be quicker...? :-)
Hmmm - I wonder if there's a Usenet version of that!
Hardly, ARPA's original USENET was the start of it all!
I saw it begin, clickety-clacking on a Model 33 wasting lots
of paper (that a corporation bought). Pages of sound and fury
signifying nothing much. Incurable mental disease infecting
all terminals!
I am simply persistent.
Or persistently simple. Time will tell! 
Obsessively persistent? :-)
That works too!
"Poke, poke, prod, prod, oh what a fun it is," sang Seltzer.
Heh - I remember those commercials - good rewrite!
Alka-Seltzer would cure one headache, then induce millions to
have more with that commercial! It should still be in the
collection of famous commercials over at the Television Academy
on Lankershim Blvd in North Hollywood. Haven't been there for
a while...
I submit that those who need to know the correct answer to those types
of questions probably already do - if they are actually interested in
the answer, then they would listen. The rest might just be pushing
your buttons.....for fun.....y'think?
Nahhhhhh..... :-)
Nahhhh - you're right. I didn't think so either!
nodding in agreement Nudge, nudge, wink, wink...
Let me guess - you opted out of Psych 101 at good ol' Dreidel U too,
didn't you? 
It's from another reply in this thread - made more sense back there, I
Got it! :-) Didn't see the previous post until this download
arrived in my mail box from Google.
[Oy veh, I wasn't wearing my yarmulke...]
To do so fruitlessly for eight years, on a nearly weekly basis, is
very likely just - weeeelll - a tad obsessive.....! LOL!
Nahhhhhh..... :-)
Not even a teensy bit?
Not for a boneheadedly stubborn true morse Believer fedayin!
I liken it to an excrutiatingly slow "suicide bomber" act.
Only thing is, only the "bomber" will destruct. It's like that
Opel (?) TV ad that was circulating around the net, the one
demonstrating the "great German engineering!" Funny!
However - If I kept doing it every week or so for eight years, with no
success, over and over again - yup, that might be a problem - I'd be
wondering if some parts fell off the ol' brainpan on a curve a ways
back there or something.....
I suspect it could be summed-up simply: "They are always right!"
[that kind of says it all...maybe...]
Something pretty compelling drives this sort of behaviour - that's
probably the seed, all right!
"R U Siriusly" speaking (I'm a fan of Brewster Rockit, Space Guy),
it's the time-space insulation of the simplex communications via
computer-modem medium. Nearly everyone beginning that sort of
comms takes every word on the screen at face first.
Some figure out that they can actually say ANYTHING they want
in a message (especially with no moderator there to censor them)
and they go bananas. They can say anything without fear of
reprisal. It's amazing the false courage these mighty message
warriors display! :-)
Or: "Leggo my ego!" [and I'm not 'waffling' around :-) ]
The pun is mightier than the sword? :-)
"When puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns!"
Twenty years doing this kind of computer-modem communications
and it is endlessly fascinating to watch the egos jumping up
and down in high agitation! Everyone always "right" and
everyone else always "wrong!"
That pretty much sums up my experience over the last twenty years
online as well - unlike in real life arguements - things are very
black-or-white in the newsgroups.....with little compromise. Didn't
seem quite as bad on the BBS systems, though - Usenet really seems to
bring out the big egos. YMMV, of course!
No moderator present. All can drop their social conventions and
BE "all that they can (imagine) be." War heroes, sex kittens,
"doctors" (with PhDs from a correspondence "college"), all kinds
of better-than-everyone-else! :-)
As a co-sysop on a "social" BBS, actually a couple of them,
there was a chance to meet the real person in-person and find
out some were really what they said they were while others
were totally unlike their screen personna or just total flake
faux pas-sers. Lots of stories on that subject in this ultimate
geographical collection of really-real hams (in entertainment
industry). :-)
I find it continually amazing what people will argue over - or how
passionate they'll get over the most simple and unimportant issue.
I'm sure that there's a group somewhere on Usenet where death threats
are exchanged over whether rotary dial phones are superior to
TouchTone phones... 
Can you imagine if real-life arguements played out like some of the
ones in this little alternate reality? Somebody would end up doing
some time for assault...or worse...
Actually I was once quite close to a real-life argument going
on live. Was along one side of a mini-mall in Burbank, CA,
that had the local HRO outlet (now moved to the other side).
Two hams (apparently) were into the finger-in-the-chest sort
of fight foreplay when I passed close to them with some
finished dry-cleaning (neatly wrapped). Not wanting to go
through the dry-clean cycle again, I avoided the heating-up
situation. A third (ham?) guy came out and spoke to both
and I drove off to home without seeing any fracas. Something
about "sub-bands" and individual license classes seemed to be
the main thesis of the testosterone-adrenaline-pumping exchange.
Once, on a social BBS, a group of "avenger" males decided to
"change the mind" of a womanizing schmuck. They did and said
schmuck later departed for other sites of conquest. Younger
type males, one a reservist (military) helo driver. Heard from
him what went down. Not pretty.
But here, in Fantasyland (not the one near you - this one...heh heh),
everyone feels safe and secure, so the inhibitions drop. Look at the
folks wrassling with some tool in another thread here for the last few
days, for example - if that 'discussion' took place in a bar, he'd
probably be waking up in Emergency somewhere early tomorrow morning.
But, because it's here, and that possibility doesn't exist, it's no
holds barred. Even the most bookish guy is Tyson when he's on
here.....ding ding!
It's like a real macho tuffy sauntering into a bar and
announcing "he'll lick any man in the joint!" All the
patrons smile in his direction. Doesn't realize he walked
into a gay bar...
Funny thing is - people are trying to convince the guy that he's
wrong, or heartless, or insensitive, or cruel - duh, it's obviously
intentional trolling, but somehow, that got missed by several
otherwise savvy folks..... Guess some peoples' radar doesn't work
when the face-to-face interpersonal aspect is isolated from the
I liken it to morse code mode communications. Monotonic
arrhythmic tone bursts representing words and phrases. NO
tone of voice clues, no real emotion, no body language clue,
just the beeping. The beeper could be male, female, or
some unknown way to tell for sure. Some hams
say they "make lifelong friends this way." OK for them, but
that's a bit like buying a used car sight unseen.
I will probably never fully understand the psychology of this.....
Ah, but the field observation can be totally fascinating! :-)
But, I suppose, as Barnum said..."There's a sucker born every minute."
Er, you weren't IN that bar I mentioned, were you?
He's doing it - I know he is..... and he knows that I know he's doing
it too
Tsk, tsk. :-)
Oh well - that's enough bashing at this for now....have a great
evening, Len!
Thank you and you too. Re-runs on the tube now that summer ist
a cumin' in, and HBO hasn't got anything tonight that we
haven't seen. :-(