Thread: VALE Detroit
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Old June 22nd 05, 08:38 PM Political Messageboards
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Default VALE Detroit

Marching into Manchuria ?

May be the real bogey in the area isnt North Korea at all

It seems for some the Rising Sun will never set..

Japanese Self Defense Forces and Scientific Research my Arse



AUSTRALIA last night won an historic victory to stop Japan gaining
official international approval to increase its inhumane cull of whales

for scientific reasons.

But Japan immediately set the stage for a diplomatic showdown by
declaring it will ignore the International Whaling Commission decision.

A defiant Japan said it would push ahead with its scientific program to

increase the number of whales it kills, including the vulnerable
humpback and fin whales so popular in Australia.

Prime Minister John Howard and Environment Minister Ian Campbell warned

Japan not to snub the international community's opposition.

"There's no justification for lethally based science," Senator Campbell


Mr Howard said: "We of course are close allies of the Japanese and
Japan is a good friend to Australia and will remain so irrespective of
our differences on this issue.

"But we do feel very strongly [about whaling]. It has united public
opinion in Australia.

"I hope that Japan will take note of how strongly countries that are
traditionally sympathetic to Japan's position in the world feel on this

subject - and I'm thinking of Australia and the United States and

"So I just ask them to reflect on the strength of that opinion and I
hope Japan acts accordingly."

Yesterday's 30-27 vote at the commission meeting in Korea in support of

an Australian resolution to protest against Japan's new so-called
research whaling program was a great victory for Australia.

On Tuesday, the commission also refused a Japanese request to allow it
to kill whales commercially.

Japan wants to increase its scientific catch of whales from 440 to more

than 900 each year, with many of them likely to be caught in Antarctic
waters claimed by Australia.

Australia has been outraged at the Japanese plans, particularly to
extend their catch to humpbacks, the basis of a whale-watching industry

worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the Australian economy.

The Australian strategy in Ulsan has been to shame whaling nations away

from the culling practice.

Despite the IWC sending Japan a clear message, Japanese delegation head

Joji Mori****a said, pointing to the closeness of the vote to justify
his stance: "Even though we lost, we are happy."

Akira Nakamae, of Japan's fisheries ministry said: "We will implement
the [scientific whaling plan] immediately."

The Japanese defiance poses two problems for Australia: the vote is not

binding, it relies on goodwill and it might be difficult for
anti-whaling nations to stop Japan if it proceeds.

Senator Campbell, who put forward the resolution for Japan to abandon
its scientific plans, was overjoyed at the IWC decision.

He hoped the vote would force Japan to scrap its scientific plans.

Every year, Japan kills up to 440 minke whales under the guise of
science, a guise scientists have labelled a "ruse", since much of the
whale ends up on dinner plates.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph last night, Senator Campbell said he
was overwhelmed by yesterday's vote.

"It's outstanding," he said.

"We really didn't know how the vote was going to go.

"It's a really great result for Team Australia. I think all Australians

should be proud of this."