"bb" wrote in message
Jim Hampton wrote:
"Calvin McRathbayern" wrote in message
big snip
As most people do, you fail to comprehend the major
thrust of Mr Baxter's legal standing.
73 Respectfully,
Calvin (call witheld)
Hello, Cal
Frankly, the K1MAN thing seems so tiny in the scheme of things. Folks
leaving this area in droves (unemployment 6% and not all are counted.
not, but I'm looking for work. Something about receiving a pension
Gasoline is expected to hit $3.00 per gallon next year. I have two
hurting for jobs. One, who has her BA degree, developed back problems
prevented her from sitting for extended periods. She left the Rochester
Institute of Technology and is now running a cash register behind a
at TOPS supermarket. I suspect for $8.00 to $8.50 per hour.
Another has her BA degree. She lost her job at Kodak a few years ago (I
lost mine in 2004) and has had a lot of trouble finding decent,
employment. We are all in our mid to late 50s. Of course, the answer
is to
raise the Social Security age.
Tired of being nice to all the non-resident student/work VISA aliens
Roadwork is being held back due to the high cost of asphalt.
My former employer has had a former executive charged in a scheme
kickbacks to get the assessment of the property reduced. Hmmmm ... to
of what it was? The former (Republican) town assessor of Greece (a
of Rochester) has been charged as well as an independent assessor.
Meanwhile, the former employer insists the assessments are fair and
The kickbacks involved many millions of dollars.
The Chinese contributions to the Clinton/Gore campaign? C'mon Jim,
waketf up!
Anyone found the infamous weapons of mass destruction? Meanwhile, Bush
fiddles while Rome burns.
Hint: go to Detroit and work in the defense industry.
K1MAN? Not even on my radar screen. Heck, give him a 50,000 watt clear
channel AM broadcast station for all I care.
I've never listened to him. Ever. But why should I listen to Katy
Kurik and her runaway bride story?
I'm not condoning K1MAN, nor arguing against him; I am simply saying
there are much more serious things going on in this country and around
world than the K1MAN question.
You think? What about that "Len" guy? He's really distracting
everyone from the real issues. Otta be shot (with rochester
I do, however, appreciate the fact that if one person (or group) can do
he feels he can do it. That, however, still precludes advertising.
that, I'll not get into it further.
For honest news, however, I'd suggest the BBC (or an Australian or
Hi!!! Hi, hi!!! Whenever I hear a British Accent, I hear bias!!!
Best regards from Rochester, NY
W8-HAM, Rustbelt, Ohio.
Watchyerself, laddie. If it'd do yer heart a wee bit a good, me grandfather
was Scottish (U.K. citizen). And I'm entitled to a work visa there ...
Remember, they're our friends, pal. One of *very* few countries left that
we can count as friends LOL
BTW, their tax structure is lower than ours (if you make less than 40,000
pounds sterling per year (a bit under 80k USD). Don't forget that Social
Insecurity. Of course, it is higher than ours for folks earning more. Not
a whole lot, but enough to balance budgets.
Also, as an aside, do you have any idea where the U.S. stands in infant
death rate? Or life expectancy? It ain't in the top 10, trust me. Life
expectency? It ain't in the top 20 or 30 either. Must be folks dropping
dead looking for the weapons of mass destruction!
Oh, I forgot. Asphalt. Expensive due to the cost of oil. Remember the tax
breaks for the over 6,000 pound SUVs that got extended? More money for the
oil companies.
I know this is difficult, but do look up the change in population of the
U.S. and the whole world from, say, 1900 or so. I understand that some
folks think this can go on forever. If you need me to, I'll get the figures
and tell you when humanity weighs more than the whole earth (what is it, 16
quadrillion tons?). Then explain how we will farm the sea to support it.
You detect bias if you don't hear it from Cowboy Bob ... I mean George Bush
and the spin gang. That spin is faster than a 52X CD rom (or dremal).
73 from a G3 wannabe LOL