Thread: SO2R Policy?
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Old June 23rd 05, 09:00 AM
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From: "bb" on Wed 22 Jun 2005 17:03

bb Jun 19, 10:51 pm show options
Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"bb" wrote in message

It's nice to see Miss Manners finally noticing something amiss n the

"bb" is just full of all sorts of assumptions, ain't he boys and girls?

Using his logic then all us "higher" class operators need to get out of
EMCOM, eh?

I'll be sure to tell the Extra class Emergency Net Control operator next
time I see her.


Dan, you're welcome to tell her anything you want. She's probably
already aware that you usually get it wrong anyway.

Do you have trouble chewing gum and walking Bryan?

I don't chew gum. I don't smoke, either. Did you have a point?

Probably on his head...

He should have it biopsied. Save him an early date with the actuarial

Sounds like a plan! Ol' Danny is getting worse. Now he thinks
I am claiming "combat action." Maybe I'll claim SEVEN of them
just to keep him happy? It works for another.

But you HAVE claimed combat action, Lennie!

You repeatedly try to impress us with how you "served" with guys
who were KIA, and you were quite eloquent trying to tell yet another
person what it was REALLY like being under "incomming artillery
fire"... ! ! ! ! !

The Vietnam War ended 30 years ago. I guess this post-traumatic
stress stuff really gets to some...and lasts a long time...

It must...You've been suffering PTSD from Korean War service even
though you weren't anywhere near the fight.

More and more I'm thinking the PCTA extras are going bonkers
from too much beeping.

No....It only seems that way as you fall deeper into your OWN
psychosis, Lennie...Comes from too much ranting and raving in
newsgroups that you don't belong in.

Steve, K4YZ