K3HVG wrote:
Phil, Having been through several 51S-1's and S-1A's (still have one),
I'd say the going would be $500-$1200 depending on condition. Is it in
a case or is is a rack mount job? How well does the PTO track and
what's the condition of the crystals (can you calibrate each band and
band edge? Changing an out-of-spec crystal can be a noteworthy
mechanical challenge. As far as operations go, its a fairly decent
receiver. I think that a similar condition R-390A would be a better way
to go, but maybe physical size of of concern? Parts are quite scarce,
should any be needed in the future. But, if the unit you're being
offered is clean, up to spec, and you're a Collins aficionado, there are
far worse things you could do with your money....hi!
Many years ago, I traded my 51S for an R-390A, and it was a weird sort
of step.
For pulling SSB and CW out of the muck, the R-390A beats the 51S hands down,
so many different ways it's not funny. Signals you never thought you'd
be able to copy really pop out with the mechanical filters on the R-390.
But the audio on the 51S beats the audio on the R-390 hands down, also.
If you want to listen to AM shortwave broadcasts or join the 40M AM
crowd, and you care about weak signal performance but not about the
ultimate in selectivity, the 51S is a pretty fine receiver and I'd pick
it over the R-390.
I miss mine sometimes, especially for MW DXing.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."