Try M2 ( or Byers chassis kits (Google on the
name; the catalog is .gif images, the retainers are on the last page).
DXEngineering may also carry them.
On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 00:48:29 -0400, "Photoman"
I'm building a few yagis for 432 and two meters and need a source for
stainless steel push on retainer rings, sometimes called push nuts
(incorrectly) to fit element diameter of 3/16" aluminum rod. I know they are
made but cannot find a source searching with Google. Any help here would be
appreciated. I have the spring steel variety but they rust after 2 or 3
years so the antennas have to be taken down and the retainers replaced.
Thanks and 73,
Ken, KC4IH
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