From: Leo on Thurs 23 Jun 2005 05:54
On 22 Jun 2005 03:58:55 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 21 Jun 2005 02:49:00 -0700, wrote:
Dreidel U? Where's that?
I of course assumed that you attended one of the 'top' colleges.....

(apologies for the abuse of Hebrew here...!)
Looks like an anti-Semitic zing at one of my alma maters, Leo.
Nope - it was a joke. A 'Top" college - Dreidel (a child's toy top) -
get it? Anti-semetic - no. It rhymes (well, sort of) with Drexel -
your good ol' alma mater.
Heh heh.
I think you're going to be accused of putting "spin" on it...
Don't diddle his driedel or Dremel his Drexel.
Has an invocation of Godwing *ever* ended a thread on rrap?
No - it has failed every time. Completely and utterly useless, I'd
Every so often "Godwing's" law must be featured from the pulpit.
Phoenix/ take "wing."
In society, we have police who deal with issues where people do wrong
'by' others. in here, apparently, we have you!
Well, no.
Oh, yeah! for seven and a half years now! (corrected per your
You should have seen the AOL ham radio group way back...:-)
I first showed up on rrap in late 1997, less than 8 years ago.
Sorry - you're correct - make that seven and a half years then. LOL!
[not counting the AOL ham radio group, of course...]
"acquiring a ham license is better than sex" - You won't hear that from
It wasn't a literal, Jim - interpret!
Literal...literary...literati...litorati. All fused together in
some minds. That, of course, leads to mental lithiasis. :-)
As Obi Wan said later, "may the aphorisms be with him..."
"a Ham without Morse is like a day without sunshine" - Not me again. I
have said that a ham who doesn't have any Morse skills is not fully
qualified as a radio amateur, and that is a fact.
It wasn't a literal, Jim - come on, guy - use that education!
Tsk, he should be working on the "Four Morsemen of the
Apocalypse" phrase...
The references to "Dreidel U." are very like Len's reactions when someone
catches him in an error and points it out.
Once again - a reference back to Len. Does your whole world revolve
around this guy? Why?
He honors me? :-) Nahhhhh...
Outside of having a nosh now and then in Kantor's in Hollywood,
I'm not daily involved with any Yiddish phrases and never grew
up with such ethnic toys. [excellent pastrami there] Contact
diminished remarkably about 41 years ago...BTASE (But That's
Another Story Entirely).
Well, no. Not if the person really *is* wrong - mistaken - in error
about the subjects discussed.
Therein lies the nature of the affliction. Nobody, least of all Len,
cares that you think that he is 'wrong''. It's being done to torment
you and get you to respond, for the other person's pleasure.
SOP of "Tormentors International," a conspiracy group.
The rest of the folks here will watch - much like rubberneckers
looking at an accident on the highway.
"Oooooo...lookit all dat roadkill!!" Hahahahahha...etc.
You have become just that - a tragedy on the 'Information Highway'.
(oh, how I loathe that expression....! ).
You're being used, Jim. Sad you cannot see it.
Would I buy a used opinion from this man? No. :-)
I'm saying that if someone disagrees with Len about Morse Code testing
and then points out some incosistencies in Len's postings, Len will
go off in his typical fashion. Even if the errors are pointed out in
a courteous way, Len will go into attack mode.
To turn your crank, and get you dancing and hopping again - nothing
Actually, considerably more. I consider myself a "WMD" (Weapon
of Morse Destruction). Low-yield, of course, not bearing the
imprimateur of that "federally-authorized" callsign. As such,
ANY pro-morse position gets boresighted and locked-on for a
full magazine and semi/full auto mode as needed. Tsk.
Progress is very slow, but there IS progress. The U.S. ham
regs dropped to 5 WPM for all classes a while back...before
S25 got rewritten at WRC-03.
Or do you enjoy being used for entertainment - laughed at, not with?
um - if you are still going ahead with this quote from the movie
"Gladiator" - well, no.
The correct quote is "Are you not entertained"
Citius, fortius, altius, followed by "obsessius."
I rather like the soft-drink commercial using "Spartacus"
clips on TV instead. :-)
If you are asking, however, if i am entertained by your antics - the
answer is no. And yes. I like to watch a good accident as much as
the next guy - it's human nature!
Heh heh heh.
Oooooo...lookit all dat roadkill!
Jeez, I'll bet you dream about the guy!
Yup. In Technicolour.
Well, no.
Panavision then? With DTS sound.
Wide-screen, anamorphic lens, HDTV compatible format...but the
sound is narrowband beeping quality.
Ask Len the same question. He's been at it longer.
There's the old obsesssion again - everything is Len-centric to you.
All roads lead to Len!
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." SPQR.
"Citius, morseus, hameous."
Ave, imperator! :-)
You didn't understand the analogy I made.
I understood it's purpose - to cloud the issue. That's all I ned to
Tsk. Unlike Lamont Cranston, "Shadow Jim" didn't stay long
enough in the Far East to learn ALL the lessons...tsk, tsk.
It appears that this whole exchange about obsession is really just a
disguised way of telling me to shut up and let Len post his mistakes
and attacks without challenge. That's really what you want me to do.
Not at all. It is indended to illustrate to you that your valiant
battle is in vain - your opponent is not interested in the least in
what you say. His only goal is to control you - which is pretty easy
to do. You have all of your hot buttons proudly and prominently
displayed - and every bloody one elicits a predictable response when
pressed: your ire, passion and rage.
In short - you, Sir, are being hijacked against your will.
The FBI has a warrant out on me and I'm currently #8 on the
USPS offices all over the USA. I am posting this from an
"undisclosed location" near Cheney's place...
Ain't easy being a hijacker! [no morsemanship required, tho...]
Maybe you have a point. Perhaps I should simply step back and let you,
Len, Brian/N0IMD, and "John Smith" rant on without comment.
I, kind Sir, do not rant. I communicate.
And educate.
And research before I post.
"Throughout the land there shall be but ONE voice and that of
the prophet Morse, hollowed be his name." - the league
[or was that in the Vulgate? I forget...]
Maybe I will.
God grant you the strength. I, however, am not optimistic that you
can break free.
He be typing from a TERMINAL. Name sayeth all. No hope.
Or don't. Either way, we'll all watch! Screeeeeeeeeeech...BAM!
Okay, let's get out the flares and warning triangles and the
Highway Patrol notified. 10-4, 10-4 Broderick.
Phlegm at eleven.
"Pass me the CHPs, dear, there's another breaking news on the tube."
"What, AGAIN?"