Thread: SO2R Policy?
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Old June 24th 05, 10:57 PM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

garigue wrote:
That is why the loss of the Novice license is such a disaster to Amateur

All in the name of pushing a mike button there Dan ....pure and simple ....

We used to have to dig em out of the noise, hand on rx and follow them
up/down the band. Not much for filters, just your ears and brain. But
that's another subject.


Boy Dan that is right ..... did that with the old HA-230 ..... like I said
before drifted more than my uncle coming out of the Legion on a
Saturday night .....

Take care Dan . et al see you on the air for FD ...W3CSL Monessen ARC

And Novices were required to be crystal controlled, which meant that a
Novice might own 1 or 2 crystals, or maybe a rich kid would own 3
crystals. So you first checked to see if the frequency of your crystal
was in use, if not then call CQ, three by three, CQ three times, your
call three times, and that repeated three times. Then you scanned the
band because chances are some other novice answering you would not have
the same crystal frequency you did. As Dan says, one learned to dig em'
out, and the drifty receivers made it even more challenging.