Oh yes indeed......remember how you could change the frequency of those
FT-243 rocks? Carefully take them apart and apply a thin layer of pencil
lead. Don't remember....did that raise or lower the freq? Another
technique was to drilll a hole in the face of the rock. Put a metal screw
in it and adjust the tension on the quartz via the spring that was inside.
Ah the good ole days.
Yeah right.
Remember Meshna surplus had I think 4 Xtals for a buck at 7.150 which, by
using some window glass and some toothpaste, one could knock off a few
microns and shift the freq up ....only problem is that only 2 of the 4
worked after the grind ....... and that one I think was out of band ....
Definitely a second on the yeah right .....
73 Tom KI3R