Scott in Baltimore wrote:
Besides, why would I want to pay double for a radio at RatShack?
They still make radios??
No, they sell phones at PhoneShack (tm).
I still remember the look on the sales droid's face when I walked in
and was asked if I wanted to buy a phone. I told him no I want to
buy a radio. He got even dumber looking when I asked for an HT that
was now on clearance. I found my HTX-420 at another store. I only
wish their radios had better intermod filters. I've sold all my
HTX mobiles and my MURS radio because I can't use them under this
damn RF filthy tower I live under. The HTX-420 can't hear **** on
2 meters and almost works on 440. Once I get some distance from the
tower, it's a very sensitive HT. My IC-2100 works great on 2 meters
and MURS with even better ears and more power!
And yes, my CB is still hooked up to a 2x455 amp. One has to be heard!
I guess I could use my 2950, but I have no code, so why tease myself.
Anybody know what the difference is between a .6 conical and an
elliptical stylus for linear tracking turntable. Anyone got the
manual for a LAB-2200 (42-2916) RS turntable? How about the
cartridge number. The RS site doesn't have this info anymore.
I've found the stylus is an ATN102P, but also found listings that
say ATN102EP/112EP/122EP will fit also. They are different stylus
sizes and shapes. What's best?
Too much info...good luck Scott.