I am curious as to why you would post such nonsense. You are simply inviting
a contestant in the who has the largest member contest.
The typical response will be something like "You (profanity omitted) hams
ain't got (P.O.) Iz runin 10KW with a (P.O.) 92 pill Dave made and a balum
to co-fazed... " Ad nasuium... What's the point?
"KI4CER" wrote in message
I have never seen a bigger bunch of crap than the crap posted on this
sight.I didn't see one call sign on the entire message post.The stuff
listed (and all it was was stuff)meant nothing to no one.sounds like to
me a bunch of wan a be's.Well don't let me catch you talking on 28mhz's
if you don't have a valid F.C.C. certificate of issue.I live to smight
the wicked truckerness on 28mhz.I run the full legal limit and our GOD
HOLY RILEY HOLLINGSWORTH hath given me the power to smight thy
truckerness and thy lewdness,and there ain't a damn thing you can do
about it.So I will look foward to warming up my equipment and standing
guard waiting for one peep from an un licenced asshole.Get the