Way off topic, but these boatanchors won't do us much good
if we forget how to use them.
On June 20, AP reported on a Dutch study of folic acid
(one of the B vitamins). Taking 800 micrograms/day
(twice the U.S. recommended daily dose)
for a sample group of about 800 people 50 to 75 years old
resulted in tests of memory equivalent to those 5-1/2 years younger,
for the group given the folic acid instead of a placebo.
The pills are cheap, about $4 a hundred at drugstore.com.
Ed Knobloch
I'll be 60 in January...dammit. I turn around in my chair and things
simply disappear. I used to get very upset about it, but now I just say,
"It'll turn up someday." and carry on, if I can live without it. The
intensive searching will never find it if it's hiding from me.
I have to have my little cellphone, but that's easy to find after I get my
neighbor to call it until I answer them.
I found one of my combs, the other day. It had been "missing" for 3 weeks.
I asked it how its vacation was, but got no answer....yet....(c;