HUM! Grundig TR 807
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June 26th 05, 02:16 PM
[email protected]
Posts: n/a
I was at a flea market recently and came across a Grundig TR 807, which
I bought for $20 so I would have something to play with some evenings.
The problem I have is a VERY loud hum, *both* in AC *and* DC power
modes. It brings in some stations even with using just the collapsible
antenna on the radio, so maybe it is worth salvaging-- but I have no
idea how to get around that hum.
ANY suggestions on how to fix it would be extremely appreciated.
Scott Anderson
You need a schematic, and check any capacitor going from the audio or
IF amplifier stages to ground...anyone one of these bypass capacitors
is bad, and you get the hum.
Joe Yuna
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