June 26th 05, 08:09 PM
Well spoken, accurate and "right on."
Now the delusional get their turns...
wrote in message
From: bb on Jun 26, 9:02 am
From: "bb" on Fri 24 Jun 2005 16:33
From: "bb" on Wed 22 Jun 2005 15:48
In RRAP, we have the uniformed, and the uninformed!
The "uniformed and the uninformed!" I LIKE that phrase. Apt.
A single person comes to mind.
I wonder who that would be...?
Whatta bunch of misfits. No wonder we're attracted to amateur radio.
Brian, I'm interested in ALL radio, not just the amateur stuff.
I didn't join the "church" to Believe solely what some
new englanders were preaching about many years ago (and
still doing today). Neither did I NEED some "callsign" to
show some "dedication" or "committment" to the "community."
Apparently the actuarial tables ARE starting to manifest
themselves, as witness some numbers at www.hamdata.com of
26 June 2005:
In the last 12 months, there have been 16,125 new licenses
granted in U.S. amateur radio. In that same time period,
19,332 have dropped out ("no longer licensed"). That's
roughly a 0.4 percent DECLINE per year (-3,207 licensees in
one year) and agrees with the previous year's DECLINE of
6,969 licensees as of the same date two years ago.
The percentage of total Technician and Technician Plus
individual licensees is 48.43 percent of ALL individual
licenses (less the "club" calls). Technician class
individual license percentage is 40.72 percent of ALL
individual licensees.
Technicians are restricted to amateur bands above 30 MHz.
For this national Field Day CONTEST, they won't be making any
big scores via VHF and above. Field Day is primarily the
same old HF CONTEST it always was. HF, with all the "skip"
and ionospheric help on distance it always had. Nothing has
really changed with Field Day in a half century. That includes
the hypocrisy of stating that Field Day is "primarily about
emergency communications" (by the league) when the blatant
truth has it all concerned with CONTESTING. Old paradigm.
Old hypocrisy. Perpetuated delusion.
Field Day is a CONTEST. Always was. Why not SAY SO up
front? Nothing wrong with fun, a weekend in the park, etc.
It's another example of the delusional fantasies perpetuated
by the olde-fahrts...which lots more newcomers are NOT going
along with...any more than the fantasy that radiotelegraphy
"is a 'basic skill' that all 'must' learn." Nonsense.