In article ,
Kathleen Carmody
(-PLEASE- No lectures or legal opinions needed or desired)
Anyone know where to purchase a cellular phone jammer, preferably
stateside. There are vendors off shore, but none here in CONUS
that I know of. Please post here any US vendors that sell cellular
jammers. (Extra points for relating your experience with using one.)
Hey Babe, If you can con enough people to get yourself elected to
a Council, you certainly should be able to use Google to find out what
your asking.....Secondly, If you had a CLUE about the technology that
you are asking about, you would know that these devices are not FCC Type
Accepted for use, or sale inside the US..... thirdly if you had Brain1
in'your whole head, you would know that every National Guard Signal Corp
Unit has some on the shelf ready to use should the Civil Authority,
require that service. We all hope that you are just a LAMER..... but
if you really are on the "for real", please "Get a Life" and "Go Away"
real soon......
Me who thinks maybe you are a Moorroooon (bugs bunny definition)