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Old January 22nd 04, 08:08 PM
Henry Kolesnik
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the tips, got the line from 60 deg to 45 degrees by tweaking
another pot...
I tested a 30 volt zener and got a good Z but just got as small blip on one
leg of the z on a 56 volt zener
I measured the voltage on the probes, 60 Hz, hi: 40.5 volts, med 20.4 volts,
and lo is 6.6 volt.
Since these are rms, and peak to peak would be 2.8 higher,,
Does Huntron caution about testing any devices because of the voltage?
With a short all 3 levels show a vertical line but with an open high and
medium present a horizontal line while low presents a 45 degree line. Do
you know the reason for this?
I posted a personal reply as well as to the groups as I figured others might
be interested.

"Chuck Harris" wrote in message
Hi Hank,

High, Medium and Low are used to select the maximum voltage that is
applied to the device under test. All positions are harmless to all
known semiconductor devices.

When the probes are open circuited, you should see a perfectly
horizontal line in High or Medium, and a diagonal (corner to corner)
line rising from left to right, in the Low position. I stated this
incorrectly in my post.

When the probes are short circuited, you should get a vertical line
in all three positions.

If you connect to a low value cap, you will see an oval that is more
horizontal than vertical, if you connect to a higher value cap, the
oval will be more vertical than horizontal.

The patterns will change depending on the selection of High, Med and Low.

Try testing a zener diode. You will see that in the low position it
looks just like a diode, in the medium and high position, it will give
a zig-zag pattern.

It sounds to me like your unit is working just fine!


Ps, Please post and copy to my email! When people do that, I end up
writing two replies to the same post. If you want a personal reply,
then just use my email.

Henry Kolesnik wrote:

I agree it's pretty simple but a little correct info would go a long

I don't know what high med and low pushbuttons are supposed to do?
I just tweeked a few unlabeled pots carefully to see what effect they
And adjusted some that had the "right" effect...
With nothing connected I now get a horizontal line on high and med

but a 60
degree slanted one on low!
With leads shorted I get a nearly vertical line on high, med and low!
A 22mf cap gives a decent circle on high and med but a 60 deg. slant

line on
A diode gives an L on high and med but a V on low...