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Old June 27th 05, 02:58 AM
Bert Craig
Posts: n/a

"an_old_friend" wrote in message
personaly I set out to set the local club record for 6 m contacts. A
task I thought would be easy since no one could rememer any 6m contacts
on FD in the histroy of the club. While I did suceed in my mission and
therefore set a new and dualting goal for next year (5 is the new goal)
I am still chasing the satic out of my ears, and I thanks the goods for
the time when the clubs generator ran out of gas, and the noise droped
to something bareable, breifly

Well, I did not set out to really keep a tally, but I had loads of fun. This
is the first time I've ever operated CW mobile. (But only while parked.) I
installed a trunk-lip mount and used a 20m hamstick. The K1's auto-tuner did
the rest. I made some quick contacts during lunch and then drove to the
beach after work for a couple of hours operating seaside. (Actually
"sound"-side, hi) Made lots of nice contacts but prefer longer, dare I say
normal, QSO's. Not much DX, understandably, but still managed Belgium and
Finland w/5 Watts.

Funny observation, when operating surrounded by water, (Our local beach is
on a lazy-L shaped peninsula.) the SWR appeared higher but sig reports and
received signals were noticeably better.

Hope everybody got what they were looking for out of their Field Day
experience. Take care es...

Vy 73 de Bert
FISTS #9384/CC #1736
QRP ARCI #11782