N8WWM posting as "mopathetic didn't camp at Dayton! CHICKEN BOY!" amoung
other lame nyms mewled:
This limpwristed child from Medina, Ohio cannot tolerate it when people
show his total impotence. He attempts to lash back by posting smut from
hidden addys.
Hey ya felon child abuser, I didn't post that.
This is the same limpwrist who stalks amateur radio operators in real
life, posting pictures on the internet of his supposed stalkees and
their homes.
You invited me over to kick my ass, then you were too skeered to come
outside when I showed up. lol
This person has mental problems
That's almost funny coming from a convicted felon with a court ordered
psychiatrist. Do you ever get tired of being bitch slapped, N8WWM?