Thread: AN/GRR5 query
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Old January 26th 04, 01:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Its more or less pretty standard. There's a calibrated dial behind the
panel (upper left side). A rotating mask mask reveals the band in use.
There's a dial light that sort of works but the bulb is all but unheard
of (or at least I can't find any!). I used a RatShak 1.5v lamp. That
huge dial-like item in the middle is used for mechanical pre-sets for
tuning. BTW, if you obtain one of these receivers, you'll invariably
need to change out the old metallic rectifier stack in the HV/AC
portion of the PS and the 2 selinium rectifiers used in the filamant
circuit. Regards de K3HVG

Uncle Peter wrote:

How is the dial reading displayed on this radio?

Most photos don't show this feature very clearly.
