Thread: K1MAN
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Old June 28th 05, 07:25 PM
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N9OGL wrote:
Dan/W4NTI wrote:

Then file a complaint. You know why folks don't file against W1AW? Because
the provide a service. Not a bully pulpit like your soon to be shot down

It don't matter if they [W1AW] is providing a service, interfernce is

So take Dan's suggestion and file a complaint. Of course you'd
ahve to actually be talking to someone on the frequency W1AW operates
on, and I can't see you carrying on a coherent QSO with another human
being for that long.

That is correct. Maybe one day Baxter will actually transmit a
"information bulletin". What you think?

the main problem that I see is that amateur believe an information
bulletin cannot be opinionated, yet there is no rule on it.

"Opinionated" is editorializing...NOT reporting.

An "information bulletin" passes INFORMATION that is pertinent to
the operation of the radio station...Not subjective opinion.

amateur believe that those who run information bulletins should only
run "newscast" however, if the FCC wanted it to be only newscast then
they would specify that it should be only a newscast, the FCC has the
ability and power to specify what an information bulletin is.

Then how come you're ranting and raving in support of GB? The
FCC's doing EXACTLY what you suggest, Todd...

has the power to limit what an information bulletin is, provided that
it is the least restrictive mean necessary to promote govenment
intrest, the problem is they don't.


No the ARRL does NOT SOLICITE on its bulletins. K1MAN does. End of

They don't, the word is DIRECT AND INDIRECT. K1MAN does in his bulletin
[DIRECT] while the ARRL has a website that has stuff forsale and offer
a credit card [INDIRECT] and although they don't promote their website
in their news bulletins they still run a site that offers goods

There's no "direct" or "indirect" to it. Glennie overtly solicits
sales on his broadcasts.

Now he's busted.

No but the rules state a station can't make money direct or indirect.
K1MAN does do it DIRECT, while the ARRL is doing it INDIRECT. but the
rules does state a station can't make money direct or indirect.

Reference and show me how the ARRL is soliciting on the air.

They don't but the do own a site that offers goods which is [indirect]

That's like saying that since you're using Yahoo, and you can
search for sexually explicit content on Yahoo, YOU are running a porno
site, Todd.

Not when that SOB sits down on top of me and those I am in QSO with. All
that idiot would have had to do was use this little phrase "Is this freq in
use". And follow that up with "I am intending to use 14.275 to send my
bulletin, would you guys mind standing by for it". You know what Toad?
To a man we would all agreed to move. But oh no....not the mighty MAN. He
comes on and DEMANDS we clear HIS frequency. And yes I am ONE OF THOSE
that sent in the multitude of reports, and proud of it.

True, I pick a frequency that is not in use and ask if the frequency is
in uses, and if I don't hear anyone I start my bulletin.

You're not sending a bulletin. It's a show.

So says you.

It was from the district office the wanabee boy broadcaster stated. Where
do you think the order to do so came from nitwit? Right....FCC

No, according to the NAL at the bottom it was from the district office
in boston, I read the NAL from the FCC's site. I really suggest on how
the FCC is set up before commenting on something like this. (see below)



Dennis V. Loria
District Director
Boston Office
Northeastern Region
Enforcement Bureau

But do you think for a minute, Todd, that Mr Loria would issue a
document demanding that a citizen part with $21K without consulting
with Washington first?

And please note that the TOP line says "FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
COMMISSION"...Not "The Boston Branch of the FCC"...

Wake up me boy. When the FCC comes down on you like are
history. This isn't anything new, its been in the works since the mid 80s.
It just took a bunch of dedicated hams that were willing to stand and fight
to get the ball rolling. And your talking to one of them right now.

I suggest you forget your little broadcasting career, or get ready for a
history repeat. Understand? And no Toad...its not a threat....its a
promise. Ham radio is sick of you children trying to mess up our play pen.

No thanks DAN, My problem is since your little ########### at the FCC
don't want to consider my application or waiver, for a broadcast
license, my opinion is you and themn can go #### yourself.

You wouldn't need a "waiver" if you'd just do it right the first

Quit your whining and hire a REPUTABLE communications attorney to
help you. You're obviously grossly overwhelmed when it comes to
administrative matters. Let him do it for you.

The application will be a lot more impressive without the crayons
and "Beefaroni" stains above the signature of non-existant

Steve, K4YZ