Thread: K1MAN
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Old June 29th 05, 03:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Oh NO !!!!! You just shot YOUR and MANs MAJOR excuse for being a boy
broadcaster being all right and above board. Hardy har har.

The fact is dan is that it's true, read some past warning letters, The
publishing of a schedule doesn't not give you an excuse to transmit
on-top of someone. I guess dan I can read it a little better because I
don't let my emotions get involved.

A bulletin is a short, to the point transmission of interest to the Amateur
community. Not a 45 minute talk show of off the wall opinions from the Blapster, phone
calls that he taped and is replaying (illegally I might add....where is the beep?)
And especially not 18 year old re-runs of Wayne Green and talks from the Dayton Hamfest of
1986. Lets not even mention his calling Riley Hollingsworth names and slandering
his fellow Amateurs. Blapster is a total and complete piece of crap. And all this he
has brought on his self.

Not true, A bulletin does not have to be short, the FCC has stated that
repeatedly that a bulletin doesn't have to be short. As a matter of
fact The FCC rules state after a certain amount of time a station can
be compensated (see Below)

97.113 Prohibited transmissions.

d) The control operator of a club station may accept compensation for
the periods of time when the station is transmitting telegraphy
practice or information bulletins, provided that the station transmits
such telegraphy practice and bulletins for at least 40 hours per week;
schedules operations on at least six amateur service MF and HF bands
using reasonable measures to maximize coverage; where the schedule of
normal operating times and frequencies is published at least 30 days in
advance of the actual transmissions; and where the control operator
does not accept any direct or indirect compensation for any other
service as a control operator.

So a club station running an information bulletin 40 hours a week
(that's 8 hours a day) can be compensated. So between that and he FCC
repeatly stating there is no time limit on information bulletins i
would say that Information bulletins aren't short. As for content the
content has to be amateur related and really the FCC can't really
control the content of the station transmitting it (see below)

Sec. 326. Censorship

Nothing in this chapter shall be understood or construed to give
the Commission the power of censorship over the radio communications or

signals transmitted by any radio station, and no regulation or
condition shall be promulgated or fixed by the Commission which shall
with the right of free speech by means of radio communication.

(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title III, Sec. 326, 48 Stat. 1091; June 25,
1948, ch. 645, Sec. 21, 62 Stat. 862.)


1948--Act June 25, 1948, repealed last sentence relating to use of
indecent language. See section 1464 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal

Effective Date of 1948 Amendment

Amendment by act June 25, 1948, effective as of Sept. 1, 1948, see
section 20 of that act.

Wait a minute Toad, get your comments (BS) cooridinated. You say the ARRL
solicits on its bulletins, now you say they don't. Again Toad you can't have it

I never said they didn't my main pea was that the rules state a station
can not make money direct or indirect, except for the rule That I
meantioned above, the point is to be allowed to get compensation as a
club station, what consitutes as a club station members, having a club
callsign? There is a lot of questions that need to be answered. the
rule of thumb has always been a club had to be a certain amount of
people, which I believe has to b more then three. The next thing is, Is
the FCC telling that club station how they are to be compensated? and
if so where in the FCC rules does it state the procdures of an amateur
station to be compensated.

Poor Toad. When he don't get his way he starts with the cussing and
carrying on. Isnt this how you lost your LAST ISP TOAD? I got a jolt for
you me boy. I have no friends at the FCC. I am just right and they and
you know it.

A person who uses their emotions in a debate always believe they are

You don't deserve a ham license let alone one for a broadcast station. We
have enough kooks on SW now. Just go bootleg, put it in a mobile for a
while, then a ship, then a surf board. Or just go to streaming on the
internet. Wake up and smell the roses Toad.

Thank good you don't work for the FCC or no one would get a license.
Coming from someone who has been in trouble with the FCC before I'll
take tht as a compliment. As for streaming, First there are too many
people steaming this causes a hugh diversity, to big of a diversity.
secondly until Internet 2 comes out to the commercial services, right
now the government and universities have it, and everyones on it
internet radio and television will be second rate. Finally until
Internet radio and Television is considered a broadcast some of the
content owners wouldn't even mess with you. I've tried, I tried to
start a Internet TV station and asked content owners permission to use
their content and their view is unless your a BROADCASTER they won't
mess with you. This is what slowing internet TV down.

If you want to broadcast, then broadcast. But ham radio is NOT the place
to do it. I will guarantee you if I ever hear you doing it, and not
crossing your "t" and dotting your "i", I will be all over you like ....well
you know the rest of it. Your talking to one with a LOT of experience
taking out the idiots. And guess what? Your on the list.

GO FOR IT DANNY!!!! I'm on 14.321.00 every Saturday and I'm in process
of putting an amp in line, so GO FOR IT!!!!

Don't believe me? Ask David Tolassi ex KC1ZQ what happens when you cross
me on ham radio.

Be warned.


Todd N9OGL
14.321.00 MHz
Saturday's @ 4.00pm CST