"bb" wrote in message
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
John Smith wrote:
Yes, they do look the part of ancient toothless bullies--the faint of
heart have fled in fear before their rants (as so have the women,
children, small animals and gays)...
And they ask who chased away the No Code Techs.
Who chased away the NCT's, Brain...?!?!
You keep reiterating this assinine assertion that is, in fact,
untruthful, yet you continue to DODGE answering the question?
I talked with two NCT's on the way home fromwork last night...They
weren't lost..knew right where they were.
Perhaps you didn't see Dee, Dan and Dave's prejudice in the "Where are
All the Techs" thread. It's all pretty self-explanatory, and as plain
as that gut of yours in the QRZ photo.
Interesting how you can derive prejudice from a simple question.
I honestly wanted to know why, in a VHF/UHF contest, I wasn't contacting
more Techs since they are "trapped above 30MHz by the code test" as some
would have us believe. When Technicians are nearly half of all licensed
hams, why were they only about 5% of my contacts? Extra's are only about
16% of the total and yet they were about 90% of the contacts.
Those who maintain that the Techs are "trapped" are creating a
self-fulfilling prophecy by convincing the Techs that they are not capable
of passing code. In the long term, that is an approach that harms amateur
radio. Even if the code test is someday eliminated, it is wrong to gain
support for it by convincing people that they are not capable of passing it.
This can and will prevent people from attempting to pursue learning this
aspect of ham radio.
Every ham at every level should be encouraged to believe in their ABILITY to
master any and all of the elements even if the element is not a required
one. Whether they choose to pursue it is a different issue but we should
encourage them to believe in themselves and not tear down their self esteem.
Yet we have some people maintaining that the code should be dropped because
some people "can't learn it and are trapped above 30MHz." By maintaining
this attitude they are the ones putting down the Techs and showing their
prejudices. They would trample on other's self esteem to obtain their
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE