Thread: K1MAN
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Old June 29th 05, 09:51 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
N9OGL wrote:

Quotes of FCC R&R's snipped.

and the question I have for the FCC is where does this and how does it
apply to section 326 of the communication act.

Then why don't you direct your question TO the FCC, rather than
spinning your wheels in here?

I think I can answer that one, becuase he choose to.

Then his effort was wasted.

Prehaps it was prehaps it wasn't, but that is HIS choice

"Prehaps" he might do something constructive with his energies, but
I doubt that tooo.

At least it has
something to do with ham radio...(SNIP) has to do with broadcasting. Todd is broadcasting.

It Does concern Ham radio unlike a lot of your trash

A lot more of my posts are directed at Amatuer Radio issues AND
other services.

Unlike your trash.

unlike your efforts to make make something of my religion's up to YOU to "make something" of your "religion, Mark...

Really losing man losing it bad


It really is up to YOU to "make something" of YOUR religion.

Personally, there's nothing there to make of, in my opinion.

Then why did YOU start a thread trying to make an issue of it?

I didn't.

I simply stated that you are a gay pagan. You've said so

I said NOTHING of paganism itself.

Scared of the answer you'll get?

after all isn't it up to
the station to deiced what is of intrest to amateur radio??

I think the FAA is responsible for getting deiced.

Then you are truley losing it, The FAA is never concerned with the
icing status of a Ham station nor any issue in Ham radio etc prehaps
towers and rstation near airports

I'm not "losing" anything.

Prehaps you are right you may never have had in the place

What what in what place, Mark?

YOU are losing your situational awareness...unable to tell the
difference between sincere commentary and jerking Toiddie's string for
his illiteracy.

BTW you need to look up Illieterate etc, since you don't use the word
correct. For example I am n NOT illeterate, I am Dysgrapgic

You're an idiot, actually.

You have a problem that everyone who's ever engaged you in a
public discussion has asked you to please do something about, but you
insist on foisting your problems on everyone else.

Spell checking programs are a dime a dozen. If nothing else, you
could cut-and-paste your responses from any of the "Word" programs then
paste them to the relative thread.

I just think you LIKE looking like an idiot.

But you again continue to insist that just because YOU think it's
pertinent, the FCC might not have other ideas.

He is not insiting that at all Stevie Blunder Indeed he is insiting the
opposite call ME "Blunder", yet you "blunder" your way through
a sentence without making any sense.

If the pair of sentences does not make sense to you then you are

! ! ! ! ! !

See...This is why I thik you and the Toadster would make such a
complimentary couple!

Todd likes to call people names that he can't spell correctly too!

finally I would like to tell all my fans that this sick joke of a NAL
does not effect my station or the N9OGL SHOW.

Only you would think it's a "sick joke".

The FCC doesn't issue "sick jokes".

And I look forward with glee to the day we see YOUR name on one of
these...Better hurry up and get that college degree, Todd! You'll be
needing the extra income!

Sadist, and self hating at that

"Sadist"...?!?! "Self hating"...?!?!?

Indeed you are since you are Sadistic, but can't admit it

Why would I admit to being something I am not, Mark?

Now I WOULD admit to being a bit Masochistic, if for no other
reason than (a) participating in this forum with known liars and
deceivers like you, Todd, Brian Burke and Lennie Anderson and (b)
trying to glean coherent content from your "writings".

I don't know which is worse...the headache from trying to read
your "dreck", or the sore throat from laughing so hard!

Steve, K4YZ