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Old June 29th 05, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a

"Michael Coslo" wrote in message
What is more important:

1. Having a license that allows HF access.

2. Not having to learn Morse code.

IOW, is standing on principle, and refusing to learn Morse code a better
thing than learning it to get the priveliges?

no, if standing on principle keeps you unlicensed and hence an 'outsider'
when you could easily learn it enough to get a license and then be an
'insider' it is not better. sometimes it is better to bend to the
requirements and gain status so you can work on changes from the inside than
to try to force an organization to relax the requirements and let you in...
and then consider you forever a whiner.

and then again, you don't 'have' to learn morse code. it is purely
voluntary, you actually only get a very small gain in spectrum going from
tech to general. you can 'work the world' on vhf via moon bounce,
satellites, meteor scatter, and other vhf modes. and there is always 11m...
or if you really want to be heard around the world pay a few bucks and use
any of the many 50kw shortwave broadcast stations that are begging for