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Old June 29th 05, 11:12 PM
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Thanks for your help
"-ex-" escribió en el mensaje
Heriberto wrote:

I have a part JoHnson Nro.520-9 8-76 it aparently a Crystal,

but it
has 3 pines, not 2 pines. Anyone how wich element it is?
In top has write " T152.815" in the side "Johnson 520-9 8 -76
Excusme my bad english- Very elemental-. Sorry

Regards from Argentina

It would seem to be a 152.815 TRANSMIT xtal...the fundamental freq of
course would be something different. The third wire could be a ground
for the case of the xtal.

A mi me parece un cristal de 152.815 Mcs de salida para un transmisor.
La frecuencia basica será algo diferente, depende en el modelo del
equipo, su frec. IF, etc. El alambre tercero sería una conecxion
aterrizada del casco del cristal. 8-76 mas probable significa la fecha
de fabricacion.