Ah, the sig file. In that file I have the following quote:
"Just because YOU don't know how anonymous remailers work, doesn't
mean everybody else does, imbecile." -- Secwet Woger in message-id
Notice its point of origin: futureworlds. And futureworlds is also in
Italy at a server farm run by
http://www.panservice.it (and it's not
in Aruba either, Woger). Can you say "Italian police" Woger? Can you
connect the dots to the *other* compromised Italian remailers?
You may pretend to have not chosen the Paranoia remailer, but your own
message IDs show that you did use Futureworlds. I'll bet that you're
in the Interpol data base by now.
And that means your ID info could be just a phone call away for Chief