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Old June 29th 05, 03:45 PM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

KØHB wrote:

I don't believe one bit of it.

Gospel truth!

Learned Morse off the old 6V farm radio (a "cathedral" style Zenith with 5 or 6
bands --- we didn't get REA until I was in high school) at about age 8 or 9.
Wanted to know what all those beeps and boops were about on what turned out to
be the 8 and 12 MC marine bands. Fascinating stuff for a kid thousands of miles
from any ocean.

Ham radio interest came much later, introduced by my roomate as a college

73, de Hans, K0HB

Don't believe Zenith ever made a 6V farm 'cathedral' style radio. The
model 250 had four bands, went to 18Mc, but was 110VAC. They made a few
'tombstone' style 6V farm sets with several sw bands.