Thread: Navy Radiomen
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Old June 30th 05, 08:11 AM
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From: Leo on Jun 29, 10:11 pm

On 29 Jun 2005 16:51:34 -0700, wrote:

Tsk, Jimmie will not do the "action." He will stay on his subject
and his "correctness" until the coroner pries the keyboard away
from his cold, dead fingers...

So far - right you are!

But - There's Still Hope.

Bob is gone. But there's a nice airport with his name on it just
five minutes away by car from here...

If a tree falls on a florist, will he make himself a bouquet? :-)

Hmmm - lemme think about that one a spell.....

Sorry about that, I had a newly-ground axe that needed testing.

Please try to stay focussed.

Everything is not about Len.

[oh, heck and darn! :-) ]

I know....but there has to be room for other things in the guy's life

Like radio - and TV, and research, and history....

...and choo-choo trains.

Long ago I removed the geas and erased the pentacle, breaking the

There's the problem, right there. You erased the pentacle?

Thanks a lot!

Sorry. It was "that old black magic has me in its spell..."

Tsk. I must have been using indelible chalk...

Irascible chalk, perhaps!

Yee-haa! "Chalk" one up for Leo! Good word! :-)

Your current situation requires a different metaphor:

"A man walking along discovers a turd in the middle of his path. What
should he do?

If he is wise, he would step around it and go along his way. But, if
he should pick it up and begin polishing it, in the expectation that
it would somehow gain value as a result of his effort, he would be
quite foolish indeed."

Polish - or Avoid.

[ahhh...the Light of Wisdom of the East dawns upon the grasshopper]

Yes - our intrepid soul may now see the light at the end of the

Then again - it might be a train coming.....

We'll see soon!

Metaphors be with you, Leo Skywalker!

[I should have gotten a prenup before coming in here...]

Or shots...

The whole rabies series in the abdomen?!? Yuch.

A problem with a wide-angle lens is that everything seems in
the field of view...but proper focussing requires concentration
on the center of the image. Some just don't have the single-
lens REFLEX to do it... [clik......clique]

Oh oh.

Um, there's an extra 's' in 'focusing' up there.

I just got #@$% for that - he'll be on to you shortly.....

Tsk, I know...but the choice of one or two S is optional in use
(depending on the editor).

In English, using one S would tend to have the word pronounced
"foe-cues-ed" while two S would tend to prounounce "foe-cuss-ed."
With one S it also sounds like a nastyword..."foe-cue-ess." :-)

I need a better agent. I was getting used to being at the
"center focus" of so much agitated hate. Maybe I need more
more exposure? [I was using Eastman Super-XX at ASA 400]

We'll see soon!

I doubt anything will "develop" on that...too long in the Stop

buy, buy,