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Old January 29th 04, 07:23 AM
Jimmie Stewart
Posts: n/a


Sound like your reader needs to be clean.
Did you stored the Tester with the reader closed, with out the shipping card
Have you looked at this
Try testing a simple tube like a 5Y3.
would you like to trade one.


Henry Kolesnik wrote in message

Both my Hickok Cardmatics, KS-15874-L2 have been mothballed for about 10
years and both exhibit the same symptoms as well as both Cal. Cells are

(I've seen the reverse engineered schematic and wonder if anyone has had
success with repair or an external bypass.) I brought both up on a

no smoke and both draw a little over a 1/2 amp. Cal. B+ indicates the
meters are OK . For example neither will test a known good 12AX7, the

tries to go a little backward on Gm, and the 4 button lamp lights

a dual section tube. Does anything come to mind of where I should start

am I facing cleaning off the test bench and staring at hours of learning

circuits for basic troubleshooting each mechanical and electronic section?
I kind of feel that there's a common fault that someone with lots of
experience might point out.

tnx & 73
hank wd5jfr

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