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Old July 1st 05, 01:38 AM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

"Dale Parfitt" ) writes:
After seeing the post re CB to 10M FM conversion I got to wondering if
anyone is aware of a conversion for the Hy Gain 02A boards to 6M AM or FM
(Melco and many others used this board for the 10M FM conversion). I still
have some boards left.
I built many of the Melco kits years back and another from HR or 73 that
has 10M digital readout, noise squelch and repeater splits- still have the
rig and in use.

Dale W4OP

Yes, there was such a conversion article in "73", I want to say 1982, but
it might have been a year or two later. That's as specific as I can get.

The premise was that since the CB sets had high side injection, the image
was close to the 6meter band. YOu had to modify the output circuits of
the transmitter, and the front end of the receiver, but the PLL was almost
there. A shift of a few MHz, if I recall, and the solution I'm picturing
is a putting in a crystal oscillator to mix the VCO down to frequency
where the variable divider kicks in. (As standard, again from memory,
the 10.240MHz oscillator that is divided down to be the reference in
the PLL is normally used in this premixer.)

I seem to recall some years back finding a bibliography of all those
CB to ham conversion articles somewhere on the internet. It might
be worth doing some searching to narrow down exactly when that 6M conversion
article was.

Michael VE2BVW