Dee Flint wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
Michael Coslo wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
John Smith wrote:
Yes, they do look the part of ancient toothless bullies--the faint
heart have fled in fear before their rants (as so have the women,
children, small animals and gays)...
And they ask who chased away the No Code Techs.
Who chased away the NCT's, Brain...?!?!
You keep reiterating this assinine assertion that is, in fact,
untruthful, yet you continue to DODGE answering the question?
I talked with two NCT's on the way home fromwork last night...They
weren't lost..knew right where they were.
Perhaps you didn't see Dee, Dan and Dave's prejudice in the "Where are
All the Techs" thread. It's all pretty self-explanatory, and as plain
as that gut of yours in the QRZ photo.
Interesting how you can derive prejudice from a simple question.
Probably becuase the question often gets answers that are not in line
with other people's prejudices.
Probably because the nature of the "simple" question is negative and is
seeking a like response.
Again you read in what is not there.
Probably because further dialog confirms an already negative viewpoint
of No Code Techs.
You read in what is not there. If you had been around for a while, you
would know that I have repeatedly expressed positive viewpoints of the no
code Techs. There are many of them who are heavily involved in the club to
which I belong and contribute a great deal to our club. Several of our
officers are no code Techs. Our satellite guru was a no code Tech until he
took time out to upgrade. Many of our no code Techs are johnny on the spot
in supporting public service events. Several becames ham solely because
they were interested in this aspect of ham radio. None of them are whining
about how tough it is to learn the code. Many of our public service people
have no interest in upgrading and that's no problem. We do not push them to
do so as they are getting what they want out of ham radio. Those who wish
to upgrade get our full support and help.
Probably because Dan and Dave chimed in with negative responses as
No they express disdain only for the whiners.
Probably because I have seen many Extras with such attitudes, many of
them right here on RRAP.
Again it is only the whiners that get their hackles up not the no code Techs
in general.
Probably because Robber's Son keeps asking who chased away the Techs
when the answer is so plainly visible.
It is not at all "so plainly visible". All of us have reached out to those
who wanted/needed help to upgrade. Unfortunately all of us have experienced
those "know it all" individuals who think they know more than the
experienced amateurs.
It certainly does many of the techs get tired of being told how we NED
to upgrade, just at at your own words.
My first contact from the ARRL was a letter telling me how I needed to
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE