"KØHB" wrote in message
"Leo" wrote
Power limits: Basic licence: 250W; Advanced licence: 1KW.
Industry Canada RIC-2, Article 10.2 states this:
" The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic and
Advanced Qualifications is limited to a maximum transmitting power of:
(a) where expressed as direct-current input power, 1,000 W to the anode or
collector circuit of the transmitter stage that supplies radio frequency
energy to the antenna; or
(b) where expressed as radio-frequency output power measured across an
impedance-matched load,
(i) 2,250 W peak envelope power for transmitters that produce any type
of single sideband
emission, or
(ii) 750 W carrier power for transmitters that produce any other type of
I notice that RIC-3 limits "Basic" licensees to 250W.