Thread: Would You?
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Old February 1st 04, 08:06 AM
- - Bill - -
Posts: n/a

JOE wrote:

I was once in the home of a ham who collected unbuilt Heathkits,
and what a sad sight indeed. He had over 50 (FIFTY) of them,
all neatly stacked in a single row against a wall in his 'radio room'
(box room???) - just a wall of brown boxes.

What am I missing? What in the hell fun is that? Or is it just about
dollar value, and that's what makes these folks see 'beauty'?

I too know of such a scenario down here in the islands. (Maybe you were
here too?) The guy was a military type and scarfed up all these kits for
his eventual retirement pleasure. Last I saw was a 12 ft ceilinged
closet just as you described. Easily 50 kits.
He kinda went nuts during retirement and for all I know all those kits
are still there. Never knew him to actually use a soldering device,
wasn't really his style.