The FRG-100 is a true digital radio with precise frequency readout. It
is an underrated receiver with excellent stability and sensitivity.
Audio is a bit "muddy" but can be improved with minor capacitor mods.
The R-1000 is also an excellent receiver but is not a true digital
receiver. It is analog tuned with a varicap with a frequency counter
readout. It is also a very sensitive and relatively stable receiver,
especially for its time. It's tuning ratio is OK for SSB, however, the
FRG-100 to totally superior with fast/slow tuning speed selection.
I have both receivers and use the FRG for the tough DX and R-1000 for
more casual band tuning and desert camping expeditions. There's not
much you can hear on one that the other can't pick up. The older R-1000
has less features for tailoring the receiver's characteristics.