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Old July 2nd 05, 06:56 AM
Dan Say
Posts: n/a

Telamon wrote:

In article


Telamon wrote:

Canada day observation on 17,675 MHz

Apparently this started with Dominion day.

Proclamation requiring celebration of July 1st: on June 20,
1868 a proclamation issued by the Governor General, Lord Monck,
enjoined and called upon all Her Majesty's loving subjects
throughout Canada to join in the celebration of the Anniversary
of the formation of the Dominion of Canada on the 1st of July,
1868. This proclamation, a copy of which is attached, was
published in the Canada Gazette on Saturday, June 20, 1868.

Now I'm listening to more about Canada on Radio Australia 21,740
MHz at 22:00 UTC.

But they are speaking 'Strine, hanging upside-down
and from the 'future' (across the dateline) has a special graphic for the day
and if you click on it get more about the da
[Far too many federal sites, and adverts]

It, like most 'national days' wasn't celebrated much
in the past--too busy working the 6-day week, until
the 1940s and later (Instant traditions)

It does mean a lot of specials on shortwave radio
and the overseas consulates have parties where a lot
of radio oil (boozes) are consumed.
For real Dxing,