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Old July 2nd 05, 10:46 PM
Mike Andrews
Posts: n/a

lg wrote:

I've been tuned to 50.194 for quite a few hours now and had a few
'calling cq' sessions. The bands are very stingy this week.

Two years ago we did this and had a 90 minute pileup, but of course the
bands were better then. It was not for lack of trying gentlemen, but
other than a few times where I could barely discern a voice in the
static, it was a no go.

We'll try it again some other trip.

I am operating a portable station (100W, 6m Vertical) from a cottage on
Christian Island, Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada [EN94] tonight
(Thursday, June 16, 2005) from approx 20:00Z until I either give up in
frustration or collapse from exhaustion.

I will be calling and listening on 50.194USB.

Maybe next year I'll have a chance from my cottage in the Split Rock group,
in Go Home Bay township, not terribly far from you. This summer I'm stuck
in Darkest Oklahoma.

73, de

Mike Andrews, W5EGO

Tired old sysadmin