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Old July 3rd 05, 01:35 AM
Joe Analssandrini
Posts: n/a

Hello Dr Artaud,

You are very lucky. The damage could have been far worse. Your house
could have burned down!

As you have found out, the National Weather Service, while far better
than in the past, is not as reliable as we should like.

I personally have my shortwave antenna mounted in my attic so I am
somewhat protected from a lightning strike to the antenna itself, but I
ALWAYS make it a point to UNPLUG from the AC every piece of electronic
equipment I own when I am not actually using it.

It would be wise for you to do the same and, in your case, to
disconnect your antenna(s). I know it's a pain, especially with
computer routers, cable TV connections, etc., but, as you've found out,
surge protectors do not afford 100% protection. I have whole-house
surge protection as well as individual surge protectors - sometimes
more than one - protecting my electronic components, but there is no
substitute for unplugging.

Many years ago my parents lost three televisions to a nearby (50 feet)
lightning bolt; none of those TV's were operating at the time, just
plugged in.

Since then I have been almost "religious" in my care of my equipment,
not so much for the equipment itself, but for the possibility of a fire
as a result of a lightning strike entering my house and damaging
electronic components.

I must mention that there is absolutely no protection against a "bolt
from the blue." (In other words, a lightning bolt while you are
actually using your radio, computer, etc., when there was absolutely no
warning.) You just have to have luck in that case.

I NEVER use any electronic equipment when there is any weather threat
whatsoever (determined by looking out the window - not depending in the
NWS). Generally a thunderstorm lasts no more than a half-hour or so.
During the storm I don't even use battery-powered radios; their
circuits (especially the front end) can be damaged by a nearby
lightning strike.

But I hope you'll consider my "mantra:" UNPLUG, UNPLUG, UNPLUG!

